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Ann Rutherford Approves of The Secret of the Belles

Yesterday I had the good fortune to talk with Ann Rutherford by phone. Ann told me that she really enjoyed reading The Secret of the Belles and said that she was very happy that I had written a book directed at teen readers.

"I want young people involved Read More 
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The Secret of the Belles reviewed again

Robin Jungbluth has reviewed The Secret of the Belles. Robin said she "really enjoyed how the author continuously wove Lanie and Belle’s stories together in many different (and sometimes unexpected) ways." See the full review at Book Pleasures.
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Bonnie Blue Butler loves The Secret of the Belles

Cammie "Bonnie Blue Butler" King read a portion of my new book, The Secret of the Belles, and has offered to write a "blurb" for the cover. How wonderful! The book will be published in mid- to late-September, 2009.
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